To set your preferences, click the
icon in the top right hand corner. Use the icon to toggle dark mode.The tracker is split into two main sections - Shows that are currently airing go in the Currently Airing section. Shows that are not currently airing go in the Not Currently Airing section, which is split into Scheduled, Waiting/Hoping, and Ended.
You can manually move shows between Currently Airing and Not Currently Airing. The system will automatically sort not currently airing shows into Scheduled, Waiting/Hoping or Ended.
To add a show, click one of the add links.
All data is stored locally in your browser. You can export and import your setup from the settings screen. If you have changed something, an orange
icon will appear to the left of the dark mode toggle to indicate a change since the last export. You can click the icon to export your data.For full instructions on how to use this site, please see the file in the Github repository. A link to the Github repository can also be found at the top right of the settings screen.
This message will disappear after you add your first show.